Now that I got all the venom out of my system with the last couple of posts, I'm hoping for brighter days ahead. I think the fact that BYU was willing to fire their defensive coordinator immediately following their loss to Utah State (even though it was conference weekend) is a sign of better days. If nothing else, BYU isn't okay with how things are going this season and is willing to take action to improve their situation. Now, if they would cut a few WR's for dropping balls, life would be good. :)
It's time for me to ask a very selfish question. Every year, I come up to Provo around Christmas time to see family. The holidays truly are the most wonderful time of the year. The past several years, one of the highlights of the holidays has been attending the Vegas Bowl and watching BYU play. As bad as BYU is this season, do you true blue, Coug fans think BYU can win 6 games and become bowl eligible? Christmas bells seem to ring just a little quieter with the thoughts of BYU not playing in a bowl game . . . With that said, my heart says 6 but my mind says 3.